Paralysis Center

Reversing Paralysis, Restoring Function. The Comprehensive Paralysis Center


Welcome to the Paralysis Center

Dear Prospective Patient,

The Paralysis Center is a truly comprehensive paralysis clinic, the only such center in the world. 

Our team of neurosurgeons, neurologists, plastic surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, rehabilitation specialists and researchers have unparalleled experience in this field. We work collaboratively to restore everyday function to patients suffering from neurological diseases or injuries that have resulted in paralysis.

We specialize in improving the lives of patients who have lost function due to any paralyzing injury. Some of the most common of these are strokespinal cord injury, or brachial plexus injury

If you are suffering from weakness or paralysis, no matter what a previous specialist or medical provider may have told you, we can help you recover function. 

Our Goal

Our goal is to help you get your life back with a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach.  We employ the best in diagnostics and clinical evaluations in order to direct the implementation of both time tested and innovative medical treatments to reverse your paralysis and restore function and independence. 

The Mass General Paralysis Center offers the very best treatment options available. Our methodology is sound and well-established, and we assess each patient to determine the best course of action for their unique conditions. When surgery is determined to be the most effective means of restoring movement, our multidisciplinary team of specialists allows us to provide patients with the highest quality care possible.

We have included a lot of information on this website. Please review it and contact us with any questions. If you are suffering from paralysis due to a brachial plexus or spinal cord injury, or stroke, please don’t wait!  Make an appointment to see us today.

We look forward to helping you get your life back!

Justin M. Brown M.D. Director, Paralysis Center

Justin M. Brown M.D.
Director, Paralysis Center

Click To Download A Patient Guide


“I just recovered my ability to dress myself – that was a big thing! I can get my own shirt on, can get my hands above my head – that was huge for me and really changed my whole outlook.”

DAVIS BIGELOW  |  Paralysis Center Patient

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“We Have Made Huge Strides In Reversing Paralysis In Recent Years.”

We have made huge strides in reversing paralysis in recent years. Our clinical and medical research constantly pushes the frontier of what’s possible. Many of our patients were told by other treatment centers that nothing could be done or that they should “wait” before seeing a paralysis specialist. Not true. The faster you can get in here for an accurate diagnosis, the better.  More options are typically available in the first year after an injury. But if you have waited, or it’s been years since your injury, there are still options available in most cases. Don’t think this is the way your life has to be now. There is almost always something we can do to improve your function and help you get independence back.”

Justin M. Brown, M.D.


“It is a firmly established principle that nerve fibers can grow back and reverse paralysis – providing we give them a bridge. To help someone get back the use of their hands to use a keyboard, hold a loved one’s hand, move their shoulder, or improve their walking after being told it wasn’t possible; these results are not just possible – they are now an everyday occurrence.”

Justin M. Brown, M.D.


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